Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why DVD Movie The Secret Is A Blockbuster

When the DVD movie "The Secret" was released in March 26 2006, it needed no paid advertising to zoom up in the list of top bestselling DVDs in And perhaps its greatest lure to its viewers is it's admittedly tempting promise of helping you gain whatever it is you want simply because you believe it will be so.

What the DVD Movie The Secret is All About

The secret within the movie The Secret is really nothing new or spiritually awe-inspiring, but it's nonetheless amazing. Simply put, according to the movie, the secret to making your fondest wishes and dreams come true is to think, believe, and act like it already is happening. If you dream of having your rent reduced by half, you have to start willing it to happen right now and act like it's already been reduced by half. And before you know it, without lifting a finger, you'll suddenly learn that your wish came true.

It sounds too simple and easy, doesn't it? But it is and it's not. The secret recipe is straightforward, but application may be difficult. Do you think you'll be able to follow what The Secret is teaching in an instant? If your greatest wish is to be a famous writer, do you think you'll be able to act and believe that you are one after closing your eyes for a few seconds? Obviously, The Secret is easier said than done and that's also probably why you have to purchase the video. Maybe two hours' worth of viewing The Secret will make you start believing in the impossible afterwards.

People in History and The Secret

Another convincing piece of evidence that made The Secret so popular with viewers around the world is the people in history that not only have known about The Secret through all these years but have also been actively trying to share their knowledge with other people --- if they're inclined to listen to them that is!

John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, is one such man. His books had forever been on the bestseller lists but only now would the light be shed on how John Gray's beliefs are a testament to the effectiveness of the law of attraction.

If you're familiar with and loved the Chicken Soup for the Soul, its author Jack Canfield also shares in the DVD The Secret, various inspirational life experiences in which the law of attraction has worked for him. If you've been inspired by the anecdotes you've read from the Chicken Soup series, you'll definitely feel ten times more empowered with what you'll additionally discover from Jack Canfield through the dvd The Secret.

Galileo Galilei, the great bard William Shakespeare, Thomas Edison, and even the melancholic Abraham Lincoln are just some others for whom the law of attraction has worked.

What Else to Expect from the DVD The Secret?

The most important thing you'll learn from the DVD The Secret is a profound and comprehensive understanding of the law of attraction. And building on that understanding, you'll also be taught how to get what you want by picturing yourself as a human magnet for which like attracts like. The DVD The Secret is indeed a must-see for everyone because it helps new believers find the right direction to take while serving as a reminder for those who already believe about the importance of maintaining and improving their attitude towards the law of attraction.

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